Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Its been crazy busy at the Capitol the last few days. Feel like a Chicken with my head chopped off.

People are pulling their damn hair out over this budget.
I'm as cool as a frozen cucumber. Using the downtime when everyone is standing around biting their nails to:
1. finish up my application for the Fellowship program (pay me!).
2. get a job at naked lounge. I just have to survive the next week. The manager already told me i'm goin to fail...always loved a challenge. Soon i can move to downtown sac.
3. find new music to share.

Dance stuff that I stumbled upon:

Passion Pit "Sleepyhead" (bo flex remix)

ZZZ "Lion" (Bag Raiders)

Mercy Arms "Kept Low" (Cut Copy Remix)

Hey Champ "Cold Dust Girl" (Yello Fever re-fix)

What I've really been into is this New Wave electro folk. Don't ask me how I found these bands:
Rumspringa: Shakem Loose Tonight

I've been all about this band the last couple of days:
Rifle Men

They need to drop some wax so i can stop supporting myspace just to listen to them.

P.S. I think you should be able to save the above tune by right clicking and selecting save link. Don't hold me to that.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Dude


I'm loving Treasure Fingers right now. Everything this guy touches is golden (or should I say treasure!)

Walking on a Dream (Treasure Fingers Remix)

New Animal Collective need I say more?

Animial Collective- What Would I Want Sky

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I start my internship tomorrow. I'm going to be working in Assemblyman Ruskin's office. I'm damn excited about it! Besides just having something to do all day (working the old 9 to 5), the staff is also going to take me out on the town for some after hours meet and greeting. Ah that's why I love that I went to Chico cause I'm going to tear up the Capital after hours! Those old school staffers won't know what hit them.

In other news:

Israel bombs supply tunnels to Gaza (note: the Israelis are only letting humanitarian aid trickle into Gaza even though the population is in desperate need of supplies such as medicine, food, and blankets). Then a Palestinian faction fires rockets into Israel. Then Israel drops more bombs. This cycle must stop but that can not occur if the Palestinian people are driven to hopelessness because of Israeli blockade. Hopelessness breeds violence and terrorism...

Click here for the article

And, of course, music:

too busy to upload what I've been listening to lately. (Basically Animal Collective, Beirut, Otis Redding, and Miles Davis (Bitches Brew! Bitches!)

But here are some soon to be released gems that I'm loving!

Monday, January 19, 2009

It was the night before Obama and all through the house...

It’s the night before the inauguration of Obama. There is a cease-fire in Gaza. And, best of all, it’s the last hours of Bush. Life is perfect! So what a better night to start a blog?


Besides it being surreal that the election cycle will finally be over (feels like only yesterday that I had a Kucinich poster in my window up in Chico). Been living back with the rents. Cowtown doesn’t know how to handle me riding my bike around. Every time I get into the left hand turn lane people in cars just stare. I’m blowing these suburbanites minds, “a young man with a beard riding a bike? Say it isn’t so!” Screw this town for not having bike sensors at stoplights. It’s a pain in the ass to ride up on the sidewalk to hit the crossing signal. Oh and I’ve never been called hippie so much in my life.

My internship starts on Wednesday. I haven’t been this excited about something in a long time. And almost done with the Peace Corps app. Future planned out: Check.


Since I’ve been setting up my pad at the ol’ rent’s place I’ve been hunting for and blasting stuff to keep me moving. Here’s some of the tasty cheddar I’ve been munching on lately.

MF Doom- Ballskin

Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend to Dance (The Twelves Remix)

The Twelves- Works for Me

Anoraak- Waiting for Your Phone Call

Bag Raiders- Shooting Stars

Surkin- Chrome Knight

Cut Copy- Far Away (Bag Raiders Remix)

Treasure Fingers- Cross the Dancefloor (Chromeo Remix)

Treasure Fingers is spinning in Sacramento this Thursday. Should be a damn good time.

(more of what I've been playing in the coming days)


Finished “Breakfast of Champions” by Kurt Vonnegut (thanks Sarah). Great book. Stop acting like your life is busy and ready it. (If you live in Chico steal my copy from Kern).

Random Shit I’ve Been Digging: (click to see picture. I need one of these. So badass)

I feel like its the Christmas eve and I need to get to bed so that Obama can come. Happy Obama Day!